I have tried to avoid social media today, especially Facebook. I’m not a political person at all, but found myself more upset about this election than any other. Maybe because it was the first time I could vote? I don’t know but I just want to get something off my chest first and foremost. The thing that has bothered me the last 24 hours significantly is the people who solely voted for their candidate because their parents told them or that they would be “mad” if they didn’t side with a particular person. Really? That blows my mind. I thought I escaped that idea in high school, but I guess 21 and 22 year olds don’t posses the capability of forming their own opinion, let alone have genuine and tangible reasoning behind it. Could that have been why Trump won? No not necessarily, I could provide you with a list of potential factors like everyone else. I could go on and on pounding my stance, but it’s exhausting and I don’t want to be just another “angry” post. I was taught from a young age that being angry takes so much more energy than being happy. Yes, I’m human, I can’t help but like or dislike posts as I scroll through my timeline and I, as I am sure many of you all still have confused emotions, that’s okay, however we have to keep our heads hung high and continue to be grounded in our humanity. I would like piggy back off of one post in particular, done by my old friend from grade school, Joe Carroll. It really hit home for me.
Personally I have had an internal battle with different issues of both platforms, I have for as long as I can remember. My family is pretty split Democrat and Republican. I have had a private, Catholic education up until college and believe it or not a lot of my opinions go against how I was brought up. This race was historic because it was much more than just Democrat vs. Republican, it set the tone for our future, obviously.
I agree and disagree with different parts of both candidates. Though I don’t disagree with that fact that Trump’s victory is part of a global white backlash . I really would like to congratulate president elect Donald Trump. I may feel sour today (as you can tell) but that does not mean I am not going to stand by my future president because this is what America was built on and we are still the greatest country in the world. Obama quoted today, “Remember that we’re actually all on one team.” He’s right. The division in our country makes me sick to my stomach. All these posts about being embarrassed to be an American or “I’m leaving to go to Canada,” really needs to stop. “We owe Trump an open mind, and a chance to lead,” said Clinton today in her speech congratulating Trump.
I know I’ve gone off on a few random tangents but I would most importantly like to say this… There are many MANY people out their today that feel lost, abandoned, and set back. I want to be put in your shoes, to feel your pain. I personally vow that I will never take that away from you and I will never stop fighting for you. I know many will say or think that I am just a privileged white female and have no idea about what you have been through. That I have it made. You are right. I am fortunate. But I grew up learning that because of this I have a lot more responsibility to fight for the change. I vow to stand by your side and continue to fight towards a more progressive America. To fight for equality, whether it comes to race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. I’m not positive this means anything to any of you that do feel betrayed on this day, but there is one thing I can promise: you are not alone, and I can almost guarantee there are numerous more people that feel this way.
I may not be able to say anymore than “I am with her”, but I will forever be able to say that I am with you. Be strong but know you have support and please don’t ever be afraid to use that support. You have a voice, make it heard louder than ever. I, like numerous others are here and we will make change together. Be angry today but channel that anger towards the better. You and me, we are the future. It’s time to make the step to come together as one. This elitist view on making America something of its past is not the future of this country, and hopefully people will realize this. Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can and I promise that I’m with YOU.